
Missouri Speleological Survey - Educational Resources

MSS Cave Biology Page

USGS Topo View

Coordinate Converter

GeoSTRAT is a free tool powered by ArcGIS Online and made available by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.  It is a great resource to explore spatial relationships in Missouri karst and other aspects of geologic interest.  Locational data can be uploaded into GeoSTRAT. 

A Guide to Missouri Cave Life is a publication put out by the Missouri Department of Conservation and is a useful tool to identify some of the more common Missouri cave life.

Caring for Your Karst is a great resource for landowners and anyone looking to understand how karst works, particularly in the Ozarks

Missouri Geological Survey publications on Missouri geology

Missouri Caves and Karst Conservancy

Missouri Cave Density Map

History of caving in Missouri is a short article by Jo Schaper.                                                                  

The Speleozarks Cave Factory  by Jo Schaper. - a beginner's guide to the springs of Missouri by Jo Schaper

Webster's Home Cave - a beginner's guide to speleology by Jo Schaper





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